Generally the Aging Process, all organ tissue cells can counteract free radical attack because they have a special enzyme that can fight. However, because humans are naturally mengalamidegradasi with increasing age due to free radical itself, the automatic destruction never reach 100% even though in theory be destroyed by various antioxidants. Not to mention the stimulation to form free radicals that come from the surrounding environment. Because of that, slowly but surely, tissue damage by free radicals that can not be destroyed.
soft tissue damage is a process of premature aging, such as loss of
tissue elasticity kalogen and muscle so the skin looks wrinkled, the
lipopuchsin or brown pigment spots in the skin which is the residual
pile burning in the cell. For those of you who want to stay young would need to consume lots of nutrients that minimize the effects of free radicals.
Can cause autoimmune.
Under normal circumstances, the antibody is only formed when there are antigens that enter the body. Autoimmune is the formation of antibodies against an ordinary body cells and this can damage body tissues and is very dangerous.
Under normal circumstances, the antibody is only formed when there are antigens that enter the body. Autoimmune is the formation of antibodies against an ordinary body cells and this can damage body tissues and is very dangerous.
Protective antioxidant healthWithout realizing it in our body is continuously formed free radicals
through the process of normal cell metabolism, inflammation,
malnutrition, and result in response to influences from outside the
body: environmental pollution, ultraviolet, smoke, etc.Therefore we need a body of important substances and antioxidants that
may help protect the body from free radical attack with negati
mitigating the impact of these compounds.Antioxidant systems of the body as a mechanism of protection against free radical attack, have naturally in our bodies. From the origin of the formation, the antioxidant is divided into two
namely intracellular (inside the cell) and extracellular (outside the
cell) or any of the food.
From here antioxidant our bodies grouped into three namely:
1. Primary Antioxidants
The primary antioxidant compounds work to prevent the formation of new free radicals. He changes free radicals into molecules which reduced the negative impacts, before these free radicals could react.
Examples of antioxidants are enzymes SOD which serves as a protective destruction of cells in the body and prevent the inflammatory processes due to free radicals. SOD is already present in our body. However, the operation requires the help of mineral nutrients such as manganese, zinc, and copper. Selenium (se) also acts as an antioxidant. So, if you want to inhibit the symptoms and degenerative diseases, such minerals should be provided sufficient in food consumed each day.
2. Secondary Antioxidants
These antioxidant compounds catches and prevent a chain reaction. Examples of secondary antiksidan: vitamin E, vitamin C, beta carotene, amino acids, bilirubin, and albumin.
3. Antioxidant Tertiary
These antioxidants repair damage to cells and tissues caused by free radicals. Example: The enzyme repairs DNA in the cell nucleus is mentionin sulfoksidan reductase. The existence of DNA repair enzymes is useful for preventing diseases such as cancer.
The results of numerous studies support the theory that consuming adequate antioxidants can reduce the occurrence of various diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular, cataracts and other degenerative diseases.
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