Monday, March 14, 2016

Where the presence of free radicals?

Free radicals are atoms or molecules that are very unstable (have one or more electrons are without a partner), so as to obtain an electron pair compound is highly reactive and damaging tissues. Free radical compounds that arise as a result of a variety of complex chemical processes in the body, such as a byproduct of the oxidation or burning of cells that occurs at the time breathing, cell metabolism, excessive exercise, inflammation or when the body is exposed to environmental pollutants such as car fumes, cigarette smoke, pollutants and solar radiation or cosmic radiation.

Because the chemical molecule is not complete, free radicals tend to "steal" the particles from other molecules, which then lead compounds that are not normal and start a chain reaction that can damage important cells in the body. Free radicals is a culprit of pathological conditions such as liver disease, coronary heart disease, cataracts, heart disease and premature aging suspected participate.

Actually, the reaction formation of free radicals is a normal biochemical mechanisms of the body. Free radicals typically only temporary that can be quickly converted into a substance which no longer harm the body. However, if the free radicals met with enzymes or polyunsaturated fatty acids, it is the beginning of cell damage, among others;

1. Damage to DNA (deoxy nucleic acid) in the cell nucleus

Free radical compounds is one factor that causes DNA damage in addition to other causes such as viruses, radiation and chemical carcinogens. If the damage is not too severe, they can be repaired by the DNA repair system. However, when it causes DNA chain interrupted in various places, this damage can not be repaired so that the cell division will be disrupted. Even abnormal changes occur that affect certain genes in the body that can cause cancer. 

2. Damage to the cell membrane
One key component of cell membranes containing polyunsaturated fatty acids that are highly susceptible to free radical attack. If it attacked the structure and function of membrane will change that in extreme circumstances eventually kill the cells in body tissue.

3. Damage protein
The occurrence of protein damage due to free radical attack include oxidation of proteins that cause tissue damage where the protein is located. For example, damage to proteins in the lens of the eye that lead to cataracts.

4. Damage Lipid peroxides
This occurs when unsaturated fatty acids attacked by free radicals. In our bodies, the reaction between these nutrients with free radicals which in turn will generate peroxide can cause cell damage, which is considered one of the causes of various degenerative diseases (deterioration of bodily functions).


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